If I were part of the ruling party in government, with a huge majority, and ever so slightly pissed with all the white people that used to be right bastards till ten years back, then I'll do exactly this. I'll start changing the names of all the white cultural beacons. Case in point: The ANC changing Potchefstroom into Tlokwe.
But then again, I'm mean like that.
But considering that Tlokwe is also the name of the carton-boxed packaged beer so popular in the townships it has to be considered that the ANC is also mean like me and ever so slightly spiteful.
This of course had the effect intended and now I can't move for petitions against the name changing being pushed at me. This odd view that a few signatures will revoke 50 years of pent up bad feeling still surprises me somewhat. I haven't signed a one. I just love sacrificing them sacred cows, and this one ranks up there.
So ten out of ten to the ANC for premeditated nastiness. Nice going, you bastards.